Thursday, April 28, 2011


I know it has been a long time since I blogged...but honestly I have been so busy teaching and being a mom and bubbie that time just slipped by.

This morning I ran around doing things in the city and met my friend Miriam for coffee. She told me about a blog project she just completed and I said, "I love that!"

Every day you take a letter from the alphabet and write a blog.

So, today is 'A'.

When I was a teenager still living in Windsor, my Dad used to take the laundry on Suindays and then he'd go get stuff. Great stuff! Depending on the season, he'd bring home corn on the cob from the Jolly Green Giant and pears or apples from the farmers. Lox and cream cheese and fresh rye bread from the bakery. Great stuff.

That morning, my Dad asked my Mom what she wanted him to bring home. She said she wanted everything that began with 'a'.

"A?" he asked.
"Yup," she answered. "A loaf of bread, a bottle of milk, a few cans of know. Stuff that begins with 'a'."

So 'a' is for a really fond memory from way back when.

Have a great day...stay safe...and thanks for dropping in


At 5:11 PM, Blogger andewallscametumblindown said...

Lovely post. Glad you like the idea :)

At 5:21 PM, Blogger andewallscametumblindown said...

That comment was supposed to have my name on it. ~Miriam

At 5:22 PM, Blogger marallyn ben moshe said...

thanks miriam and thanks for a great moring...feels good blogging again...

At 11:14 AM, Blogger Batya said...

That would help those who have trouble posting, figuring out what to write. That's not my problem, as you can see if you check my blogs.


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