Sunday, May 08, 2011


H is for humour.
I think one of the most important characteristics a person can have is humour. Without it we're lost. I learned that forty years ago when I moved to Israel. Before that, I knew I was funny and my friends were hysterical, but I hadn't yet learned about God's sense of humour.

I moved to Jerusalem with my two friends...Soril and Linda, and we each packed a huge trunk full of stuff we couldn't live without. At the time that also included toilet paper.

See, the last trip I made the winter before the move, I had stayed with my friend Rachel who was a nurse in Sharrey Zedek Hospital. She was renting a room in a place in Geula, one of the more religious neighbourhoods in Jerusalem. Not only did I learn that winter that in Israel it is colder inside the houses then out, but instead of toilet paper they had old newspapers cut up into squares hanging on a hook!!! If I remember correctly, I cried. And then moved in with Soril who was staying with old friends and they generously let me stay on their couch in the living room!

Well, along with the toilet paper, Soril and I brought kits to frost our hair. They included the bathing caps with the holes in it and the crochet needle used to pull the hair through those holes as well as the bleach and dye.

After a month we were ready to frost our hair. I pulled Soril's through the little holes and shmeared the bleach all over her hair, and she did the same for me.

As we were waiting the necessary time for the bleach to pull the colour out of our hair there was a knock on our door. Standing there was Yossi, the neighbour's son. He looked at us strangely...those crazy Americans...and smiling said,"I wasn't sure if you understood the notice that is on the front door, so I came to tell you that they are turning off the water today at 2:00."

I looked at my watch. Ooppps! At which point I shouted loud enough to be heard in Tel Aviv, "DON'T FLUSH THE TOILETS!"

Somehow we managed to wash our hair, get the colour on and wash that out too. That is my favourite H for Hair Humour story.

Here is another one my daughter posted on Facebook:
A few days ago someone wrote a message on the gate of the Israeli consulate in Manila:
"You are 63 and still eveyrone wants to f*** you. Happy Birthday, Israel!"

That is my new favourite H for Happy Birthday story.

In a few hours we go into Yom HaZikaron...Remembrance Day and nothing is going to be funny. So, till tomorrow, Let a Smile be Your Umbrella :)

Have a great day...stay safe...and thanks for dropping in.



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