Thursday, November 16, 2006


I don't know about you, but the three best days of my life were the days I gave birth to my three kids. Really.

But, no one told me that I would stop sleeping from the minute they were breathing on their own. See, I'm a sun sign Cancer with Leo rising...both these signs are family and child oriented. We are the proverbial 'Jewish Mother'.

Five years ago we went from a household of, hubby, son, daughter, son to just me and hubby. One day my oldest came home and announced he was getting married. MAZAL TOV! Two seconds later our daughter announced it was time for her to have a place of her own. OK. And a few months later our baby went into the army. OY.

Hubby and I walked around the place sorta lost for a while. Until we discovered the peace and quiet of not worrying. You know what I mean. 'It's three in the morning where are they?' kind of worrying.

They say that a daughter brings light into the house. Of course it does. No one sleeps till she comes home at night!

I thought that when the kids moved out it would be my turn. Yahooooo. I finally did learn to cook just for two. And to sleep without listening for a key in the door. And, the biggie...not to call them a zillion times a day to see how they are.

But, no matter how old they are, you worry about them and hope and pray that they are healthy and happy. And when they are in trouble you run to defend and protect them.

Now I understand the joy of being a Bubbie. It's not that you can send them back to their parents thingeeee. It's the peace of knowing there are two other people who worry about those babies and are responsible for them. It is the joy of watching their little faces light up when you walk into a room. It's hearing them call you Bubbie for the first time.

Yes, raising children is like chewing on a stone, but I wouldn't have missed it for the world.

May all our babies be safe and happy...tfu tfu tfu!

Have a great day...stay safe...and thanks for dropping in.


At 8:34 AM, Blogger Geologychick said...

OY VEY!!! I can't imagine ever being apart from my Shayna...
BTW, I'm adding your site as a link on my site - hope that's ok....

At 11:36 AM, Blogger marallyn ben moshe said...

hi geologychick...i am thrilled to be linked to your site...thanks!!!ps a hint: when they grow up you get them cell phones...modern day umbilical chords lolol...enjoy your sweet baby forever and ever amen

At 11:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you learn NOT to call them all day long? I'm ALWAYS thinking of questions
and advice to give them...I've taken to calling Elena from other phones with
no 'caller i.d.' so she'll ANSWER.

At 11:47 AM, Blogger marallyn ben moshe said...

dear polar bear...i know what you mean hahaha...thanks for dropping you love your little teddies too

At 3:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, oh yes! Sooo familiar.

Great post. Couldn't not have worded it better on my best day.

Take care . . . and sleep well. :)

At 4:51 PM, Blogger cheated are the clouds said...

we still have two eighteen year olds at home, we had five children all together, the hardest part is learning to cook for four instead of seven, very difficult, the peace and quiet i can handle, still miss them though

At 7:03 PM, Blogger marallyn ben moshe said...

hiiiii cheated...yup you got it...exactly...boy i wanted five kids...and twins? you have twins??? ahhhhhhh lucky you guys...stay safe my dear friend and thanks for dropping in

At 7:12 PM, Blogger marallyn ben moshe said...

hi tim...thanks for the kind words and for dropping precious children are...and costly...and dear...the jewels in our crowns...stay safe

At 9:20 PM, Blogger Batya said...

What a perfect post!
We've been empty-nesting for quite a few years now. Here and there, the kids pop in for awhile... and then I wonder how I did all the dishes and laundry for a family of 7 plus guests.

At 11:41 PM, Blogger marallyn ben moshe said...

thanks muse for dropping 7 plus tfu tfu wonderful...i am so excited when everyone pops in and then so excited when they all go home again...but don't tell anyone :)))

At 11:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i loved this one....keep writing.....i am going to new york for shabbat to visit the kids and the grandchildren...i am still trying to win the lottery...nothing else is chutzpah

At 11:42 PM, Blogger marallyn ben moshe said...

hi chutzpah!!! have a safe trip and kiss the babies and their babies for me...i miss you...stay safe

At 3:02 AM, Blogger cruisin-mom said...

great post Marallyn. I love the chewing on a stone analogy. Parenting is the hardest thing I've ever done in my life...because you can never turn it off. I even dream about them!

At 7:47 AM, Blogger marallyn ben moshe said...

dear cruisin' too...exactly...thanks for dropping in...and a sweet shabbat shalom to you all

At 7:48 AM, Blogger marallyn ben moshe said...

shalom noch a chosid...and the same to you and yours...thanks for dropping in...i love your blog too...'gym is treif' will stick with me forever lololol...shabbat shalom

At 9:17 AM, Blogger marallyn ben moshe said...

noch a chasid...that has definitely to go into my 'now why didn't i think of that' list...brilliant...shabbat shalom and tx


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