Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Home at last! Sigh. After three days and two nights with my babies all I can tell you is that I really feel blessed. First that I have them and second that they really love me. How good is that?

Now, I don't know how I would have fared had they been home all day instead of going to nursery school, but I bet I would have managed.

The bottom line is that I am really glad to be home, but I miss them. Little fingers and toes and smiles and stories. Lovely to hear what little folk think of.

We played, we ate potato chips, we watched TV, we ate chocolate, we talked, we ate pizza, we rested, we ate popsicles. PERFECT!

I had a really busy day yesterday. After dropping the kids off in the morning I ran home to find my youngest achey-miserable and running a fever. Since I was off to meet an old friend in the Mall, I told him I'd get him some acamol ( paracetamol) and some fancy tea and honey candies. Met my friend and surprise her daughter was in town from a kibbutz up north. So we hugged and kissed and hugged some more and sat around catching up for an hour.

Then I ran back home with the stuff for my son. Kept the taxi waiting downstairs and continued on to the city to meet Bubbie Channah. We had a soft lunch ( my teeth only accept soft and mushy know...carbos which have turned me in the past four weeks into a meatball...sigh). We shared a lunch at Mervad HaKsammim...the Magic favorite Yeminite restaurant downtown and had hummus and roast beef and rice. See, easy, soft and not one vegetable in sight. Wait! Wait! We also had beets. Well, that counts as a veggie, no?


Then I taught a student for almost three hours; met my old boss for coffee; and ran to my writing class. They made brilliant comments on my chapter and David our mentor suggested that I scatter the information from that chapter into various other ones...BRILLIANT. So, if I have a few minutes this morning before I go off to the city again, I'll start working on the changes.

This morning my son feels better and I think the fever has broken. I told him he just got sick because he missed his Mommy :).

I spoke to my brother Dovidle in Colorado and can't wait till he comes to visit in December. I made chicken burgers. Found a book I want to give my friend M. when I meet her later this afternoon. And here we are.

I miss my babies. There is nothing in the entire universe like a hug from a little one. Nothing. It's kind of addicting. You know that place on your chest over your heart? That's where I ache to hold them. And every second is important because in a week or so they will be all grown up and when I want to hug and kiss them they'll say something like, 'Bubbie! Please! Not here.' and look around to see if any of their friends saw.

Yup. You can't get enough hugs and kisses from the babies. Maybe I'll stop off on my way back home from downtown to get a fix to tide me over for the weekend.

Have a great day...stay safe...and thanks for dropping in.
ps. thanks for your emails and comments asking me not to stop blogging...i meant it...thanks.


At 4:30 PM, Blogger TO BECOME said...

I know what you mean about your "Babies" they are all so wonderful. I don't know if I would make it without my "fix" from time to time. They are growing very fast now. I know that one day I will turn around and all grown up they will be.

I am glad you are still going to be blogging. I feel as though I know you by now and It would be a great loss. Have a good week. connie from Texas


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