Friday, June 01, 2007


Hiiiiiiii...I'm back. Actually I didn't go anywhere but here's what my schedule was like these past few days. Sunday and Thursday mornings I taught from 9-11 and then from 12-1 and then was busy with my family. Thank God for both.

Mondays and Wednesdays I teach a partially sighted lovely man in the morning from 7:30 until about 10 and we meet in the Malcha Mall in the fast food court. It's only about five bus stops from my house and is easiest for him to meet me there. Thank goodness the Mall opens at seven and there is one coffee shop open at that hour. So, while carrying two coffees and a couple of hot cakes for him ( I do admit to sometimes taking a bite...I said sometimes not every time...sigh ) I climb the stairs to the fast food court. At that hour of the morning the escalators don't work. I guess that saves them a gazillion shekels of unnecessary expense.

So, that leaves me Tuesdays. But this week my writing group was critiquing my final chapter of Emma. We have a tradition in our group that the final chapter is party time. The first guy was a sport and invited us all out for dinner at Rimon, a restaurant downtown. I never could afford anything like that, so when I finished my first book "My Heart Told Me"...the story of my Bubbie and Mother's life in the 1940's I brought in pizza for everyone. Then Karen finished her book and we were treated to sushi. I admit that I did not eat it. I have eaten sushi three times...the first, the last, and one too many! Oy.

So, where was I? Oh, yes Tuesday. I had to run into the city early and meet my mom and four cousins. They are all first cousins and I love them. It is always fun to go back down memory lane with my mom and her cousins. What a treasure chest of memories. I love it.

Then after lunch Bubbie Channah and I went back to her place and fell asleep for an hour or so. I told you, the old grey mare, she ain't what she used to be...sigh. And at around 5:30 I ran to the shuk to buy my fixings for the party.

Wanna hear my menu? Of course you do! I bought a kilo of cheeses...brie/a something wonderful covered in walnuts with two stripes of walnuts running through the middle/blue cheese/ and a hard yellow cheese that must have had 35% fat it was that delicious. Oh, and I bought a 5% hunk of slightly salty white cheese.

And four different great breads. And two smoked fish. And a tub of cream cheese and lox. And cole slaw/black olives/fried eggplant/pickled red peppers. And I think that's it. Oh wait. I also bought a box of cherry tomatoes.

Not bad, eh? We licked the platters clean.

They didn't like my epilogue. Bless them for being honest. They wanted more closure. They were right. I'm rewriting it now. Yahoooooo.

So my dear friends, that is why you haven't heard from me in a few days. The body was willing but the mind was weak. Simply couldn't get the energy to make an intelligent sentence.

But don't worry. I'm back!!! Hope all is well with you and yours!

Shabbat shalom.

Have a great day...stay safe...and thanks for dropping in.


At 11:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! No one said they didn't like your epilogue. Just that it left too many loose ends. We all love Emma!

At 1:50 PM, Blogger Susan said...

Good to hear from you. I'd been wondering!

At 2:13 PM, Blogger Portrait of Peter said...

I was wondering what had happened.

Let's hope your epilogue is not your closure here!!

Would miss so very much.

Have a wonderful weekend.

At 5:52 AM, Blogger cheated are the clouds said...

My My you are one very busy girl, It keeps us young,"right" I so wish we had a writing group near by, It sounds so interesting to me every time you mention it,

At 7:43 AM, Blogger TO BECOME said...

It is good to see you back. the food sounded just too good. I feel the same way to do about sushi. One time was too many for me. I love cheese though. See you later. connie from Texas

At 8:03 AM, Blogger Batya said...

shavua tov

At 4:11 PM, Blogger marallyn ben moshe said...

thanks miriam...hope you like the new version

shalom susan...i'm glad to be back too

At 8:42 PM, Blogger marallyn ben moshe said...

shalom peter...bless you

cheated my friend how great to hear from you...wish you were here and you could join our writing group

shavuah tov muse


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